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Products – Flack Mine

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Kit #222


HO scale Flack Mine Two building options:

Tar paper siding or exposed wood siding (above).

Both building versions are included in the kit!

Details include: Interior etched floor boards,

     one piece removable roof, can be built with or

     without tar paper siding, full head frame with

     moving parts, (HO): shaft ore bucket, barrel,

     includes two V-body side dump ore cars,

     windows and doors that can be positioned

    open or closed and include laser-cut glazing!

HO scale version has MANY new details

     added, including ore cars!

Our trademark EASY to follow FULLY

     Illustrated step-by-step instructions make

     building easy!

Precision Laser cut wood construction.

Includes our paper corrugated roofing

     material and tar paper roofing.


          N = N/A

          HO = 2.4" x 5.3"

          S = 3.4” x 7.3”

          O = N/A

Based on drawings provided by Joe Crea.

With all of kits, we include some way for you

     to customize our structures right out of the

     box. This allows you to add you own

     personal touch to fit your layout.

See “The Design” section below for some

       of the included options.


Kit #822


Kit #122


Though the tiny Flack Mine is located on Quartz Hill, near Nevadaville, Colorado, it probably was not served by the Gilpin Tram, based on evidence from the site. Any possible auxiliary buildings were nonexistent by the time the Flack was able to be measured.

Thus, the Flack Mine, which is nearly a ruin, leaves us with a small mysterious snapshot into Colorado’s storied gold rush days, preserved only by those who have taken the time to historically document it. Except for the actual measurements that this structure kit was designed from, not much else is known. If any information surfaces, it will be added to our web-site.

This kit is the second in a series of structures that will be released documenting and, in a way, historically preserving our past for future generations to enjoy as well.


Flack Mine tar paper siding

Interior view:

We have included many options, as listed above, for this kit. This gold mine can be built with the wood siding exposed. Boards are engraved on the inside walls, as well as, the exterior walls. A second option is to build the mine covered with our tar paper siding.

The site of this mine has changed over the years as new roads have been cut, tailing piles moved, etc.. We believe that at one time this mine probably had a near-by boiler or compressor structure built toward the rear of the building. A pipe coming out of the roof and running towards the rear of the Flack Mine is the only evidence that exists to support this. Only a guess!

The Design:

Flack Mine tar paper roofing back view

Flack Mine

S scale version shown here

Flack Mine front left - wild west models
222 flack mine right side- wild west models
222 flack mine interior view- wild west models
222 flack mine front view
flack mine with scenery frame

(be sure to scroll all the way down!)

Head Frame:

All of our mines include prototype laser cut mine head frames. They are designed for easy assembly! This head frame includes nut/bolt castings, vertical shaft bucket, chain and operating cable.

Kit #322